Tips To Get Rid Of Mice

Posted on: 22 April 2017
Mice are disgusting rodents that invade your home without any regard for personal space. They'll climb over every single thing you own, including your cooking utensils, toothbrush, and nearly every other surface and object inside your home. Sounds gross, right? You don't want these pests taking over your home, and if you've seen one, there's probably more friends of his in your home. See below for tips to get rid of mice and keep them out.
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Selling Your Home? Increase Buyer Interest Using These 4 Tips

Posted on: 20 April 2017
If you're like most people who are preparing to sell their home, you are likely looking for ways to increase buyer interest so it doesn't stay on the market long. With the help of the following tips and tricks, the task of getting your home quickly sold should be pretty easy and stress-free: Schedule a Termite Inspection Many potential buyers may request a completed inspection report for wood-boring insects such as termites to ensure that their investment doesn't end up falling apart as the years pass or that there will be a time-consuming fight on their hands to keep the insects away.
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Bed Bugs: The Souvenir No One Wants To Bring Home

Posted on: 6 May 2015
Did you know that bed bugs have a peak season? June through October are the months in which infestations explode, making Canadians miserable. Unfortunately, bed bugs' summer mating habits coincide with many people's travel plans. This means that, not only could you be afflicted by bed bugs as you hotel hop during vacation, but you also might bring them back home with you. Bed bugs are by far the most difficult pest to eradicate, and because infestations are on the rise, you don't want to bring home this souvenir.
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2 Landscaping Mistakes That Might Be Attracting Pests To Your Home

Posted on: 24 March 2015
As a new homeowner, you might be eager to put your personal stamp on your yard. After buying the right gardening tools and picking out a few flats of fresh flowers, you may have spent a Saturday afternoon beautifying your space. Although it might seem easy to make your yard attractive, a few errors could send creepy-crawly bugs straight into your home. Here are two landscaping mistakes that might be attracting pests, and what you can do to stop the migration:
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