
  • Termite Infestation? Here Is How To Fix The Problem

    Have you been noticing some signs of wood damage throughout your home? Finding out what the underlying culprit is can help identify the problem. If it's termites, you need to act right away. Here is how you can get started on a solution.   Call a Pest Control Specialist Termites are tiny little insects that can destroy the wood areas and structure areas of a home or building. The most common type residing in the US is the subterranean termite, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
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  • Benefits Of HOA Pest Control Services

    Pests can be a nuisance in your home, especially if they cause property damage. Hiring expert pest control services is one way to deal with your pest problem. Here are some benefits of enlisting HOA pest control services. Low Cost of Services One of the main benefits of HOA pest control is the low cost of the services. You may even pay for these services as part of the annual HOA fees.
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  • Ant Extermination Tips For Keeping The Pests Out Of Your Home

    Ants can be a nuisance since they are so tiny that it's easy for them to get indoors. When they find something to eat, the ants can invade in large numbers and keep a steady stream of new ants marching in and out. Since ants are usually everywhere outdoors, you'll probably always have a few ants wandering around and entering your home searching for food. Ant extermination might involve killing the ant colony outside and discouraging ants from coming indoors.
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  • Wasps And The Homeowner: What You Need To Know

    One of the most annoying pests for any homeowner to deal with is the wasp. These insects carry a painful sting and can be rather tricky to eliminate once they invade your property. In some cases, you can probably just ignore a wasp nest if it is well away from your house or garage, or shed. If it's close to or inside of your home or other structure on the property, then you need to action.
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  • Wasp Nest In Your Yard? What You Should Do

    Wasps are one of those flying pests that build a nest, help to pollinate plants and flowers, and will sting if they feel threatened. If you are stung by these pests, unlike bees, these pests can sting you multiple times over and over again. Bees usually die after they have stung someone, but wasps can live on and will be able to sting over and over, which is why these pests are so dangerous.
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  • Moles Leaving Your Yard A Disaster? What You Can Do

    Moles are a small cute, furry mammal that has a stub tail and lives beneath the ground in tunnels. It uses its claws to dig its way into the dirt and to create these tunnels in which to live. They can live above the surface of the ground as well, and you may find them in your garage or shed areas, or anywhere they can find food easily. These pests eat insects, worms, spiders, snails, and a variety of other pests they can find inside the ground.
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  • Test Your Home For Radon

    Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It gets into your house by seeping into the lowest levels of your home. Since it is heavier than air, it will slowly displace the air from the bottom up. Because you can't detect radon on your own, the only way to tell if you have it is to test for it. You can do this on your own, or you can hire a professional to do it.
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  • Is Your Home In Close Proximity To Known Termite Infestations? 3 Proactive Tips For Homeowners

    If you are a homeowner, news of an active termite infestation issue anywhere in your neighborhood is sure to be frightening. Across the nation, termite damage is a common problem that can result in significant damage to any structure built with lumber or wood-based building materials, like plywood and engineered wooden beams or floor joists. Since many of these materials are located at or below ground level, termites are able to easily infiltrate and consume them.
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  • Found Bed Bugs In Your Home? Where To Start To Get Rid Of Them

    When you find bugs in your home it can be troublesome, but when you specifically find them in your bed, it can really bring about some awful feelings. The idea of anything crawling on you when you're in your bed can make you lose more than just a little sleep every night. If you have found bed bugs in your bed or anywhere in your home, you need to get started right away to get rid of them.
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  • Three Ways To Effectively Prepare Your Home For Bed Bug Removal

    Before your house is treated for bed bugs, there are several steps you can take to make the process easier. Heading off some of the more tedious work, keeping infestations isolated, and prepping your home for heat treatments will make the removal process go more smoothly and make it more effective. Take Care of What You Can Bed bug treatments are pretty comprehensive, but bed bugs can work their way into all sorts of items and belongings, so it helps to get a head start on clearing out what infestation you can.
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